The user "Angel" on my forum recently made an interesting observation. Personally, I don't pay much attention to the mainstream seduction community, but he made me aware that there was a recent push of "enlightenment", telling people that they don't need to get laid:
Well, the last few months, in my opinion, I seem to notice a 'trend' that 'inner game and enlightenment' replaces the desire for sex. Its like the guru's out there realised that the guys arent getting laid with their programs, so now they are all coming out with programs to 'become a better man' (cleverly masking the fact that their programs dont work). Inner game and self development cannot become an excuse to not approach or sleep with women I feel. It is perfectly possible to evolve as a man AND sleep with women. In Belgium, the new trend towards 'evolving as a man and inner game' is now used as an excuse of not approaching: I know guys who used to approach and fail, but now stopped approaching all together as they read someone's programme of 'not pursuing', so there basically going out and standing there like they did before the comminuty, but now they actually think they are doing something good (I hope I explain this well).
Check my forum for the full thread. You have to register an account if you don't have one yet.
I'm pretty sure I have heard a similar spin from some Real Social Dynamics guys: "It's all inner game, and if your inner game is tight, the girls will just come." It surely helps protecting the ego.
Not approaching and claiming that this would allow you to become a "better" man is a ridiculous idea. It is less ridiculous than "peacocking" though, instead of dressing with style, which is harder than wearing bizarre necklaces.
The thought that you have to "approach" all the time and sleep with as many women as possible is juvenile to me. People join the pickup community for many reasons, and one is to get a stable sex life. However, what many discover is that once they got a couple of women, this desire usually dissipates. If sex is all you want, why not just stick with a girl you find attractive and like for her personality?
A guy that goes out and picks up girl after girl, even in the rare case that he is successful, reminds me of this Greek fellow. When I began to devote a lot of time to seduction, I realised that the usual "take a girl home" route was on some level boring and predictable. Thus, I experimented with introducing chaotic elements. If you do something that is completely out of the ordinary, you never know what kind of reaction you will yield. Ever tried to kiss a girl right off the bat?
As I ticked off goal after goal, I eventually saw myself getting bored with pickup again. At first I thought the pinnacle was bathroom sex. (See my book for highlights of my development as a seducer.)
Then I lost momentum for a few months. Looking for new goals, I came up with the idea of trying to figure out how to pull girls based merely on escalation. Some weeks later I managed to seduce girls completely non-verbally. The second time, the thrill is not as high. Another goal of mine was pulling a girl instantly. I ticked off that one shortly afterwards. Boredom set in again.
Since I was seeing some girls virtually all the time anyway, chasing sex from new women became less motivating. It all felt way too familiar and unexciting. Eventually, I ended up shrugging off nights as banal where I entered a club, made out with one girl instantly, got bored of her, made out with another one instantly as well, took her to the bathroom a bit later, and eventually back home --- and I didn't even bother writing it up because there was nothing new about it.
Some say the chase is more exciting than the consumption, but once the chase is boring, it's time to realign your life. You either set yourself new goals or look for something else. Once you have reached the sex life you wanted, you can lean back, but anybody who is unsuccessful and choses a path of "self-actualisation" as an excuse of honing his skills as a seducer got it backwards. Some time ago there was a huge push to become "social" instead of learning how to get laid. Now it is this nonsense. I wonder what will be the next big thing of the mainstream industry. Maybe teaching guys how to get laid for a change?
The only validity I can see with this is killing Outcome dependence
^^then I read this and I'm just like
Enlightenment is a MASSIVE delusion... one that misses the point of life ENTIRELY...
It's one of the most selfish and fucked up "paths" that any man can go down...
However the spiritual gurus... and now even the seduction gayrus will have you believe that it is a noble cause.
Don't ever by into it.
"Enlightenment" is easy with the use of a drug like LSD. It's close to impossible without anything strong to knock the ego completely out of the way. Every form of 'self-help' requires the utilization of the intellect ( hence ego), as soon as that happens, game over. Tony Robbins style go no-where. All these books and programs make us feel like we're going somewhere....and.....that's it. That's the draw...the illusion of progression.
I've experienced 'enlightenment'. It's indescribably awesome. But, I can't imagine being like that continuously. The psyche and our physical constitutions just aren't built for that level of intensity...you'd burn out very fast. Or, go psychotic.
The problem with taking LSD or Mushrooms or any Entheogens for enlightenment, is that it's psychically dangerous. What happens, is these drugs knock the ego out of the way, so raw experience can come in unfiltered, and inner unconscious content can float up undefended. As you can imagine, if you have repressed trauma, you're in for a very nasty ride. I've seen bad trips, and they are pure hell on the tripper. Entheogens should be taken in a safe context with an experienced tripper to see you through it. For more info, check out this funny female, youtube.com/user/NeuroSoup
As for picking up girls.
The problem is clear to me. The product currently available is totally inadequate. No wonder people are failing hard. I've thought up 5 products that could attack major issues with 2000% more effectiveness than what's out there.
Problem is, one needs money to start a business, then promote it, then deal with piracy, and copying by six other businesses.
This is at least 100 000 dollars out of the gate.
I do think that the current PUA companies have thought of products like I have and said 'no'. Because if they put stuff out of that effectiveness, no one would need their bootcamps. So, what they do, is they give an answer to a problem that is so general that it could only attack 20 of the possible contigencies, this confuses the buyer, because he tries the offered solution, but it doesn't work for him specifically, and then thinks, he must really be a lost cause, and crumbles and signs up for a bootcamp.
I don't think all the current companies are unethical, but, if their products are the best they can do....then, Holy Shit, I'm truly stunned at the lack of creativity.
Yeah you don't have to fucking get laid. Finally they get it.
Stupid feminized social conditioned men theese days.
I see so many idiots doing all kinds of retarded shit to get laid and when they get the pedestal-pussy they become depressed because they worked so hard for nothing.
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The problem is that "gurus" assert that their products are "more effective" without any objective data points which is what you are suggesting you are going to do. You cannot develop a "system" that's 2000% more effective unless you can prove it. Since pua products are 0% effective, your 2000% better is still at 0% effective. Maybe it's 2000 times more effective for YOU, but that is completely subjective data that is worthless to anyone but YOU.
If you are really thinking about creating another "pickup" product, don't. All systems are rubbish and another one will be just as trashy as the previous.
Pickup cannot be "taught", it has to be learned on one's own accord.
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You've made the mistake of taking what I said literally.
Have you overheard a conversation where someone has said within the context of a conversation, "oh man, I can do a 100 times better than that". If so, did you then pull out your calipers, tweezers, scales and other measuring devices to check that he was absolutely correct? If you did, I'd be surprised. It's a waste of time to do this, and better to 'get' what he meant and focus more on the flow of the conversation.
This is absolutely incorrect. I have seen improvements with some people. You're wrong. Period.
I have 'thought' about what I would do already, IF I had the money, and, of course I would do it, because I believe in what I think.
This is bullshit. Almost anything can be taught with a very good teacher. OR...an excellent product. I know many people who were totally confused after reading a course on French from one company, but, learned a good chunk of the language from another company.